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Na Streetview si můžete pro Vaší dovolenou vyhledat zajímavá místa a vybrat si velmi pěkné ubytování Lednice nebo ubytování Zaječí ve spolupráci s portálem Tyto obce a celý region jsou navštěvovány hlavně pro vinařství i historickou hodnotu.

11,,,, name2


fTfjXTZZsmpInThda, 2013-03-18 06:04:54
When I moved next to 4th avenue 7 years ago, I rzeaield that 4th Avenue can be transformed into something similar to Park Ave in Manhattan and even better. Currently it is highly congested and unpleasant avenue to walk on, especially during rush hour. But if smart planning is applied, I believe it can be transformed into a very livable and pleasant wide avenue that many people will enjoy. My suggestions are these:1. Plant trees in the middle of the avenue on the islands2. Create bike lanes that will be separated by the small islands from the main traffic (similar to Prospect Park West)3. Either move parking lane out to create space for the bike lanes (this will leave only 2 traffic lanes in each direction) or do not allow cars to park on the 4th avenue altogether (this will leave 3 traffic lanes in each direction)4. Make sidewalks wider, I believe by reducing the number of lanes and introducing the bike lane, there will be still be some room for wider sidewalks where more trees can be planted creating a green tunnel (trees in the middle and trees on both sides of the 4th Ave)I believe these proposals will a) increase the property value of the 4th avenue for development and b) introduce better foot traffic thus stimulating more retail opportunities and commerce. Thank you.

VTkGpOCgKKc, 2015-01-26 10:06:15
At last, sooneme who comes to the heart of it all

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