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Na Streetview si můžete pro Vaší dovolenou vyhledat zajímavá místa a vybrat si velmi pěkné ubytování Lednice nebo ubytování Zaječí ve spolupráci s portálem Tyto obce a celý region jsou navštěvovány hlavně pro vinařství i historickou hodnotu.

11,10.64659986187695,,0,-10 name2

Douglas Fairbanks

DqOUSnf7a7l, 2013-06-21 01:21:54
Ve1ženfd pane V. Košťe1le, podle Vašeho projevu soudedm, že Ve1m nejde o vyřešened proble9mu, ale o . Pokud byste se přece rohozdl řešit předpadne9 technicke9 proble9my důstojnou cestou, obraťte se na sve9ho spre1vce oblasti, infolinku technicke9 podpory nebo v dalšed instanci na Komisi pro rozvoj či Vfdkonnfd vfdbor HKFree.Pavel

ypvTiBsarrLf, 2013-06-21 09:11:00
Thank you Simon for posting a poacstrd of my neighborhood. The third one.I can almost see my apartment building in the far right at the beginning of rue Lecourbe.That intersection bd Pasteur, ave de Breteuil, rue de Se8vres and rue Lecourbe is known now as Place Henri Queuille. You can see Lyce9e Buffon in the center before it expanded on the right. It was built in the 1880s. So this picture was probably taken around the turn of the century.The houses on the left, with shops, were replaced by the Institut dOptique, which went out of business, or moved somewhere else, in the last twenty years or so.The structure was classe9e which means it could not be torn down and replaced by something else. It has been restored and the inside turned into apartments. Cousine,The last poacstrd shows the end of avenue de Breteuil, very close to where we had that nice lunch you, Yves, Ken and me last year. Thanks for the link.

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